Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Sculpture Art Garden

Oh boy! A walk in the light rain through a lovely mown field filled with sculptures and kinetic art with my two favorite people ever!

Thane says his favorite sculpture was the heart of darkness; a metal found-art crocodile who holds a metal heart in his rib cage. Tyson said his favorite piece was a tall black spire of granite. And a concrete totem pole called "Raven and Wolf". Oh, and a great timberframe garden shed with two open walls that would make a fantastic horse run-in shed.

Yep, that's what we did tonight after a couple of nice training lessons on borrowed horses with Jean Moyer here at the farm. Billy is lame lame lame and I'm trying hard not to let my worried-horse-owner side overtake the veterinary side as I wrap and ice and sweat his fetlock. Tyson and Thane gamely suffered the downpour of equine adventures during our cross country schooling this weekend on Whidbey Island. Tyson's attempt at video of Billys runs resulted in an eerie, misty headless horse(wo)man effect that would make a great backdrop for a creepy Halloween movie.

All the horses ready to load up for the ride to Whidbey Island.

This Giants Table and Chairs would really be great on a cross-country course!

The Pacific Northwest is truly a beautiful place to play and explore, but the three of us are hoping to see some sun and warm temperatures soon so we don't have to go home to Alaska with our heads hanging having missed all the 75 and 80 degree weather that is happening at home!

1 comment:

  1. Cool art. Looks like a fun summer for you guys! I'm ready for more info and pictures.
